Sunday, June 1, 2014

My First Attempt at Realistic Food

I made two stages of a chicken dinner, the cooked and uncooked chicken and apple pie for dessert from polymer clay, soft pastels and acrylic paint gloss varnish. I used these great tutorials on youtube. I used some moss instead of the baked pastel on the chicken. The pie was more challenging for me to match from the video, next time I will have a separate photo reference. The crust does not look flaky like the video, and the translucent liquid sculpey was milky until baked, so it was hard to judge the filling color. I am going to try another brand. They are not perfect but I am really proud of my first efforts.

I bought these charms for serving utensils from Michaels


  1. Your food looks great! Well done!

  2. Hello Jocelyn,
    That is excellent. It's hard to believe it was your first attempt.
    Big hug,

    1. Thanks, I studied the videos for days like there was a final exam, LOL

  3. Looks very realistic, great job! I love the charm utensils.
    mini hugs, Jaime

  4. that's the joy of working with clay food sometimes it doesnt turn out how you expect but it still resembles real food. I think your first attempt at an apple pie turned out very well.


    1. This was the pie I was looking for originally, thanks for the link

  5. Your food is WAY better than I bet I could do. I especially like the raw chicken which looks SO real. I've yet to attempt anything in the food area. I'm still honing my building skills. At our local mini show I purchased an empty greenhouse. All put together, but now I'm trying to figure out how to do the tables I want for the sides. One thing at a time!

  6. Hi Jocelyn! I have to tell you that I am really impressed that you decided to try a raw chicken! Really well done! It looks so authentic on the work table in the kitchen.
    Your roast chicken dinner looks quite yummy to! A fine job with both the main course and dessert! :D

