Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Scratch Built Kitchen Over Mantle

I felt like the kitchen needed a better "style personality" to match the rest of the townhouse. So I imagined that this kitchen would have a over mantle that once was fireplace around the stove. I started with leftover scraps: trim from Michaels, decorative brackets from another build and some small lumber from Hobby Lobby and a texture painted and grouted plastic brick sheet. It is unpainted until I decide on the kitchen's color scheme.


  1. Hello Jocelyn,
    Great choice. it really adds character and charm tot he kitchen. You did a terrific job and used great molding. I love it!
    Big hug,

  2. Hi Jocelyn! I LOVE the surround that you made but without the stove, the fireplace is very tall.
    The brick insert and hearth looks perfect and the brackets and the mantle are beautifully done.

