Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Clean Up, Everybody Clean Up: DIY Hanging Mop and Rack

I have been working really hard but not posting, I kept thinking I had not made enough process to show from the last post. I ran into more mental blocks, challenges, untested ideas and indecisiveness with this dollhouse than any other. So I will back up and update from here forward to keep from not posting. (this room is unfinished by the way:)

This is the first mop I have made and I really like it, even though it was fairly simple to make. I used the following materials to make it and the rack: cotton garden twine, wooden dowel, wood scraps, and garment closures, acrylic paint and dark stain. The pails came from Hobby Lobby.

This was taken before I added the loop

I sharpened the end of the dowel using a pencil sharpener
I think they are called hook and eye closures from the sewing section
I looped the garden twine around the dowel, glued and cut loops, then tied a piece of twine across the top
I used a mini hand drill (smallest bit) and added the "eye" piece, I just bent the ends through the hole

I wanted to show the great cast shadow on the ceiling


  1. It's looking great I love the doll congratulations

  2. I like your mop and hanging rack, we call the sewing bits hook and eye closures. The last shot of the hallway looks great with all the shadows cast, and I love the hardworking doll.

    1. Thanks, LOL! You can tell I am not a seamstress

  3. Hello Jocelyn,
    The light on the ceiling is terrific. It has so much atmosphere. The mop is great. thank you for the tutorial. Hang in there, sometimes a creative mind can go out of control with ideas and inspiration, but in the end your artwork is always amazing
    Big hug,

    1. Thanks so much that really means a lot coming from you.

  4. Hi Jocelyn, I love the atmosphere in this hallway and I LOVE your doll! The hanging mop and the rack, are once again, wonderful solutions. Thank you for this little tutorial, I really enjoyed it


  5. Man oh man! You are seriously gifted with a great eye for decor and atmosphere. Fine job with tutorials as well. It's been lots of fun to read you blog posts.
