Monday, September 16, 2013

New Books for Townhouse Inspiration

I have different ideas of what I want to do to the interior versus the ones shown in my two books on New Orleans. I am struggling now to stay true to the style. I recently saw this video on Creating Dollhouse Miniatures Blog   Piper Tuner's Video/French Miniature House Part 1  and feel in love with the house and then I went to the author's blog and was inspired to purchase the book for myself. I went to Amazon's site to buy it and found the second book on Edwardian Furniture, a good book as well. It is the best book that I have ever bought but can hardly read, its in French. It is beautifully laid out and I would buy it just for the pictures. The book shows you how to build the house and furniture from scratch and very inexpensively! Great buy if you like the shabby chic look. I took 2 years of French but more is needed to fully enjoy the book. Where is the App for that! But I am determined to figure it out. The interior in the French book looks a lot like the pictures from the New Orleans books. So I am hoping I might discover a compromise I can live with and enjoy creating. I am planning a trip to New Orleans next month. Decision: Do what I want or follow the books


  1. Hi Jocelyn! I think that the book by Lea' Frisoni is becoming a Must Have for nearly every miniaturist who enjoys anything French, feminine, time-worn and well-loved. This author is Remarkable and her style is so personal and unique. You have made a very good buy with this book and the Edwardian book looks really interesting too. I may have to investigate that one myself!


  2. Google translate will help you get the gist of it, if you struggle with a word or two. If you get stuck, you can always shoot me an email. I've spoken French for (omg really) 30 years.

  3. Jocelyn, I have Lea's book and used it to build my French townhouse despite taking absolutely NO French in school (and never having scratch-built anything before). The pictures tell the story more than anything else, and for a few of the less self-explanatory parts, Google Translate came in handy.

  4. Hello Jocelyn,
    I plan on buying that book soon...I think it is a miniature staple. y dollhouse is 90% true to the period. At the end of the day it looks late Victorian but I still sneak in little things I love. I say do what you want and don't tell anyone ;)
    Big hug,

  5. how about both..follow the books but do it with your own style :)
