Friday, September 20, 2013

Weathered Effects on the Townhouse Facade

 front with the sandstone paint before the final acrylic color

Started painting the bricks too

I painted the exterior walls of the townhouse with the textured paint that I used on the hat shop as a base coat.  I glued the fleur-de-lis wooden appliqué in place and painted over it with the sandstone texture paint. I then painted the facade of the townhouse's exterior Peaches and Cream color in acrylic paint. From a design standpoint, I am having trouble seeing how to incorporate "real windows" into the interior with the best furniture placement. The townhouse is like a row house with buildings on both sides. I hated feeling like the best part of the exterior is the front opening with nothing else externally of interest, so I plan to add faux windows (closed shutters) to the back of the house.


  1. Hi Jocelyn
    The townhouse is really coming on. I love the peaches and cream colour. Good idea with adding fake windows, it's almost criminal to leave walls devoid of detail, just because they're out of sight!
    Keep up the great work

  2. The colours of your house a lovely together and the aging works well. A great idea to use closed shutters on the back of the house...looking forward to your progress!

  3. I really like the way you aged the doors! Are those doors or windows that are open on the second level? Nice!

    1. I am painting the doors white, so they are laid out on another table. These are the shutters.

  4. Me encanta este proyecto!!! Estoy deseando ver esa fachada terminada. Es espectacular. Besos


  5. I like how its coming along, everytime I look at it I hear that Zatarain's commercial in my head ;)

  6. Hi Jocelyn, Great job on the paint effects. You have the touch!
