Thursday, May 31, 2012

Scratch Build Store Awning

This is my rough sketch.
 I wanted to create an awning that could be removable by mounting to the architectural trim 

I started with a wooden oval and traced the outline to make a template.
then I traced it onto the wood and made two cut outs 
I cut a round dowel to match the length of the awning
I used a square dowel to brace the front and glued all the parts
 and dry fitted to the front of the store
I cut soft balsa wood dowels and stacked them on top of each
other to follow the contour of the sides
fully assembled awning
I used this scallop trim and cut it to the length of the front edge
I then glued and painted the trim
I took a foam sheet to cover the ends
and then I covered the front 
and trimmed the excess on the sides
 I will cover the edges with trim later
and the top back 
I used bead lace to trim and finish the edges

I made this smaller one and added wooden dowels and a strip of wood glued over the door or you could use holding wax.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jocelyn! Thanks for sharing your awning ideas. :D I'm working on one now. I like how yours extends out from the building. Nice.
