Thursday, May 31, 2012

Painted Brick Exterior of the Bakery and Coffee Shop


Well, when mini life gives you lemons.... paint the bricks! I had to use an alternative to the brick compound sold by Bromley because they are in the process of reformulating their mixture. So I used sanded grout which is not  exactly like the Bromley but for the most part it worked. It was hard for "me" to get the right consistency and I should have used a bigger spatula to spread the grout, which made my bricks uneven. I sprayed the brick with a sealer. Over time some bricks few off and the dust stained the side walk and everything else it touched. So my solution was to paint the brick with acrylic paint in a neutral color. It helped to seal the grout better and stopped the dust. After I got over the disappointment, I felt it made the older building look more like a modern remodel and gave it a cleaner look.

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