Saturday, June 6, 2015

Thank You Beverly!!!

Beverly, whose dollhouse food I truly adore read my post about the bargain stove and left a comment for a solution, I had no idea what she had in mind.  She had a Roper stove she was no longer using and now I have a new stove! Thanks to Beverly everything goes proportionally well together. I can never express my gratitude for her very kind and generous gift!!! Who says you can't  make friends on the internet!


  1. Aren't miniaturists the best? Congratulations!

  2. Yes, they are! That is a wonderful gift! I can't wait to see the finished kitchen.

  3. Hello Jocelyn,
    It is a great stove and I look forward to seeing it in the kitchen.
    Big hug,

  4. Awww, thank you, Jocelyn! So glad you received the stove and that the dimensions work! Can't wait to see the finished results.
