Monday, September 1, 2014

Exterior Almost Finished

I recently discovered that I had not taken a full front view with the attached 4th floor and roof front, so I decided to make a post. This was a difficult shot because I had to take it sitting down, I've been having issues with my right foot since the summer, (Morton's Neuroma) which makes it painful for standing or walking. I needed to turn the whole table to back up far enough to get the front and the house and court yard are very heavy together. I have to finish my ferns, repair my rear balcony, glue handles I ordered for the french doors when they come in and glass inserts. The chimneys have been painted the same as the house but are unattached until I decide which roof treatment I am going with. I have narrowed it down to two.


  1. I'm very glad to have found your blog. Your house is awesome.

  2. Really fantastic work Jocelyn!!! I am really keen to see it all when it is finished. Wonderful!! Carrie

  3. It reminds me very much of the historic houses found in New Orleans. What a great job you have done on this house!

  4. Really is looking great! Lots of work there! You are a true artist, for sure- BA

  5. Your house looks fabulous. I love the colours.
    All the best

  6. Hello Jocelyn,
    It honestly looks like a movie set, not a dollhouse. The exterior is just superb! Bravo!
    Big hug,

  7. The choice of colors for the exterior of the house is really complimented with the authentic black iron railing. This house is full of atmosphere with the lights ablaze,casting very mysterious shadows.
    A Really Beautiful House Jocelyn! :D
    But I am so sorry to hear about the trouble with your leg. I hope that there is someway that you can find some relief from the pain.


  8. Thanks everyone for your comments, I found out that I partially ruptured my Achilles Tendon, so I am in a boot for 6 wks.
