Friday, August 29, 2014

Covering Floors and Walls in the New Orleans Townhouse

I have never installed lamps or wall fixtures that could be seen from the other side of the wall. So I made a wall and floor templates out of a $10 pack of mat boards from Hobby Lobby before the coupon but it was enough to do floors and walls for the entire house with a few left over. I attached the scrapbook paper to the mat boards with spray adhesive and matched the designs up on all the boards. I used hardwire and cooper tape to light the house, the first transformer was too small and my lights got dimmer the more I added to the system and I lost a couple of bulbs.

 Because this is a front opening dollhouse there are holes in the ceiling, back walls and groves in the floors for wiring, which is great. The wiring is suppose to attach to the back of the house but my back has a courtyard.

So I ran the wires to the inside back walls instead which had to be hidden but accessible. I attached hook and loop disks to the walls that I picked up from the sewing department and placed them on the back of the mat board wall templates, tile sheets and on the light fixture in the bathroom ceiling to easily remove them as needed.

I spray painted the front of the tile with paint designed for plastic


  1. Hey Jocelyn, great idea with the sticky pads. I love your ceiling and you have some lovely pieces of furniture, I'm a little green with envy!
    Have a great weekend

  2. The bathroom is very elegant. Thank you for sharing
    your great ideas installing light in the house.
    Hugs, Drora

  3. Hi Jocelyn,
    What a gorgeous bathroom. I love the wallpaper and the furniture is fabulous. That's a wonderful idea to use the sticky pads. Thank you for showing it to us.
    All the best

  4. Good ideas for hiding the wiring, I am yet to even tackle it, seems a bit too daunting, but one day I will bite the bullet and do it. Your wallpaper is so pretty and all your bathroom furniture is very elegant, looks great.

  5. Hello Jocelyn,
    I was sure I commented on this post. sorry. That is a terrific idea. What a great and practical way to finish the room, which is gorgeous, and be able to make any wire adjustments! well done.
    Big hug,

  6. Hi Jocelyn! I agree with Giac, that the addition of the velcro-type adhesive dots is a great idea! I think that the choice of your wall covering is a Fabulous choice too, as it really compliments the ornate bathroom fittings and gives a wonderful richness to the room!


