Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chateau Design Dilema

As you know, my plans are to turn Le Chateau Doll's House into a Creole Town house in New Orleans. I started sketching over the photo on the box and drawing out my cast iron railing and shutters. I extended the smaller balconies into one large balcony that will run the width of the front of the house.The problem is when I got to second floor I could not decide if I should keep the staircase like it is in the photo or lose the staircase and run a second balcony the width of the front of the building.  Losing the stairs will be in keeping with the original design I planned (as seen in the bottom photo from the book) but I kind of like the grand staircase now. Keep or lose the staircase? decisions, decisions


  1. I love your drawing on the box! Isn't the planning stage great. The balconies are going to be perfect.
    Good luck on deciding about to the stairs...

  2. I think your idea is a very exciting one! I would remove the stairs and keep to your original plan, if not, it won't be true to what you wanted!
    I will watch keenly your progress:)

  3. Hello Jocelyn!
    I am very much enjoying your Blog!
    You asked for an opinion and here is mine......I would lose the staircase and go for the completed second balcony. That sweeping staircase is lovely, but I think the completed second balcony is more in keeping with the "Creole" style you are going for.
    Look forward to watching your progress!
    Warmest regard from Ray

  4. take it off and save it for some other project, spare parts always come in handy sooner or later :)


  5. I love this DHE kit ~ but have to admit that I'm not so keen on the staircase! I like your original idea to lose the stairs much more LOL

  6. hello, me i dont like this stairs, i think its not go well with the house, balcony its better.

  7. Thanks to everyone for your honest feedback and I have decided to stick with my original plan and lose the stairs.

  8. Oh well...I guess I will keep my little opinion to myself. LOL It is decided!
    Good luck with it Jocelyn :-D

  9. Oh No, please give me your input nothing is final yet. I am still in the planning stage, the house is still in the box.
