Saturday, November 10, 2012

My New China Cabinet

I love this cabinet from HBS/ and it was at a discount! I accidentally bought two but I really want to keep the other one too. I really don't have anything nice yet to put inside but here is how it looks with a few things in it. It matches the table and the sideboard that I already have, I hate that it has to sit sideways so that you really don't get the full view. I have another house I am planning to buy for my new family, that's why I am keeping the other one. My idea is to do the same dollhouse family but in different generations, so this piece will be seen in the older generation's dollhouse and in this house of the great, great, granddaughter, the matching pieces may go with it as well.


  1. Hey Jocelyn
    Your hallway looks SO real!! I honestly had to take a second, closer look.
    I love how you have decorated this house - I am getting the urge to buy one myself...
    Have a great week
    Simon x

  2. I honestly thought that it was a real piece of furniture!
    Awesome bying and such a lovely furnishing of the house too, it's like being in the real thing.
    Have a nice Sunday, Rosanna

  3. Hello Jocelyn,
    That is gorgeous. i love JBM and think this is one of their best pieces. I lvoe the idea of different generations having the same piece.
    Big hug,

  4. I really like that cabinet, can you show photos of the inside of the house?
