Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Bakery/Coffee Shop on Display in a Gallery.

My husband invited one of our former college art professors to view my blog. She did and invited me to display one of my houses in the small gallery during homecoming week. I wasn't completely finished with the building but I did enough for it to be shown. It was one of the highlights of the alumni show, it was listed as an assemblage piece, entitled "Building 390". We took these pictures during the set up, I took the work table it sits on at home and my mom made a covering for it. While I worked I was not able to show complete pictures because I had a week to finish and get it there. The show ends this month on the 26, we will drive down and pick it up. I would really like to thank, Ms. D. Vaugh for the opportunity to share my passion with others.


  1. It's a wonderful piece of art! No wonder it was one of the highlights.

    Hugs, Drora

  2. How wonderful!! Congrats! :D It's a beautiful work.

  3. Jocelyn,
    I absolutely love your building! You are sooooo very talented. I wish I could see it up close. You ever think of giving classes?

  4. Very very cool. Big Congrats, I'm sure everyone will be ohhing and ahhing :)

  5. Wow, very impressive! Do you have two Mountfield dollhouses? The transformation of this one is amazing, congratulations on such a success!

  6. Hello Jocelyn,
    Excellent! I can't think of a better way to showcase such wonderful artwork.
    Big hug,

  7. Congratulations. What a honour to be highlighted that way and well deserved. Your piece is certainly worthy of being showcased as it is a work of art. Beautiful!

  8. That's a great Homage to your hard work :)


