Saturday, September 1, 2012

My First Etsy Purchases

These are my first Esty purchases from Tweety Petie Products and I am very pleased with the seller, Bridget and her products. They are VERY realistic but they are not fragile to touch. I first saw the watermelons on a group post I'm a member of made by Tanya, the owner and then later I realized that Brae had purchased them as well. Once there, I saw the pizza and I bought the pizza. It is the most realistic one I have ever seen, it looks so good in person. The pizza is sliced with numbers on the back, which makes it easy to put back together. I bought some more stuff on Etsy but I will show you those later. I look forward to many more purchases in the future because my mini kitchen cupboards are bare!


  1. How wonderful! I also purchased the watermelons, (my first etsy purchase) and am awaiting their arrival. They look stunning!
    Hugs, Drora

  2. :D We are all in love with the watermelons!!! Hahaha. Her stuff is great!

  3. The watermelons are amazing. The pizza is fantastic. Great buys.
    Hugs Maria

  4. They are so good, I bought the watermelons too :)

  5. Wow, great choices! The watermelon's look so delicious and juicy as does the pizza!

  6. I can almost taste and smell them both. They make me hungry when I look at them. The watermelon really does look juicy! I have not been this happy about a purchase in a long time. I am looking forward to my second purchase's delivery now.
