Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Coffee Shop Interior Photos

I placed most of the furniture back in the shop and took these photos through the windows. I am still working on the bar and I am going to add more light behind the bar. My artwork is tilted on wall, it slid down while I was taking the photos.


  1. Oh Jocelyn it looks wonderful, the people really make it stand out too are you going to keep them in there or move them out to your next project.

    I must say I've learned a lot coming here and watching you work. (now is a grea time to dust off my roombox and finish what I started but dont hold me to it I get side tracked easily)

    Marisa :)

    PS Michaels just opened up in my town ..well near my town but now it's close enough for me to go too...Yeahhh

  2. Hello Jocelyn,
    I'll bet most people would think these were real life pictures! Your work is among the most realistic I've seen. It's a pleasure to get to know your work! Wonderful!

  3. Thank you so much Giac, your work and Brae's are the standards I use to measure myself. I am not there yet but your words mean so much to encourage me.

    Marisa, I bought the people to go with this project but I may move some back and forward. I think I have bought all that would work LOL! Oh, I still have one on the way. WARNING: Michaels means trouble$$$ LOL!

  4. Fantastic work I love your Cafe. It look's so real. The people in it are perfect.
    Hugs Maria
