Sunday, June 21, 2020

Barber Shop Room Box

This is the second room box I have created, I started it a while ago but never finished it. Since Father's Day was coming up, I decided to finish it and name it in honor of my dad. I hung one of my favorite photos of the two of us on the wall. The first was a dress shop I named after my mom. 

The design was inspired by my husband's fraternity. The furniture was a Christmas present from him few years ago. The barber doll was commissioned and he even came with a tiny pair  of working scissors!I  bought the rest of the grooming supplies on Etsy.

I used scrapbook paper for ceiling and walls. I used wood and stickers for the letters. I made the clock from a wooden appliqué that I painted with metallic acrylic paints. I used the regular dollhouse lights in the interior of the shop. I used plastic brick sheet in the inserts under the windows.

I made the barber post from paper, plastic tubing and wood caps. I with a marker I drew red and blue lines on a piece of paper and then stuffed it inside the tube. The post is it with a LED mega chip inside the plastic tube and that is connected to a battery. I cut a slit down the side of the tube to allow the thin wire of the LED to come out underneath the cap at the top. The exterior sides and back are unfinished for now. When I took these photos I had not run the wire through the small hole in the front of the building to conceal it yet. 

 I would like to thank Jodi over at My Miniature Madness Blog for the lovely vanity set!!!
I still can't believe I won!!! Two of my favorite colors are lavender (which is also my favorite fragrance) and mint green. I already had a mint tub (a soap dish in its former life), so I guess it was meant to be!!!


  1. What a wonderful tribute to your dad. The doll is quite a work of art. It looks like Jodi’s vanity was meant for you. The scene you made with it is lovely.

  2. What a neat project. I love the picture of you with your Dad.

  3. The barber shop is incredible, Jocelyn! I love the characters and the opulent yet old time feel that you've created! The lighted barber pole is marvelous!
    I love that tub and I am excited that the vanity set is such a perfect complement!

  4. Your barber shop is not only open for business regularly patronized too!
    and Jodi's bathroom bathroom vanity looks Lovely next to your vintage tub too, Congratulations Jocelyn!:D

  5. Your win fits perfectly with your shop!
