Saturday, April 20, 2019

Baby Bed made from Scratch

I made a little bed for one of my dolls. It's unpainted. I am working on the Victorian Farmhouse and I'm creating a small nursery. I used wooden ovals, porch and channel railings, small button caps, porch trim, dowels and craft wood. I later had to cut the legs off because it was too tall for my "mom" doll to reach over the top. I added wooden letters for his initials. I am wanting until I decided on my color scheme before I paint or stain it. Happy Easter!


  1. What an ingenious and creative way to use wooden parts, and the crib is just adorable! Can't wait to see more of the Victorian Farmhouse and the neat things you have planned for it!

  2. Genial ,gracias por mostrarnos el paso a paso.Besos:-)

  3. I love this crib. Thank you for sharing how it was created.
    Happy Easter!
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Great use of bits and bobs - looks lovely

  5. Very Very Creative Jocelyn! You little man looks very comfortable in his new crib and I also agree with the way you solved the problem determining the height of the bed, which makes perfect sense! :D
