Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween Party Preparation

The neighborhood kids are busy getting ready for the "Not So Scary Halloween Party", as part of the invite to the party every child is asked to wear costumes of their own creation. All costumes are to be homemade, no pre-packaged commercially produced costumes, however commercially made items are allowed to create or assemble the parts. Prizes will be given out for the prettiest, most original, scariest and imaginative costumes. Here are some of "their" creations (I used color pencil for "face paint" and to add detail to clothing):

I also covered my dinning room table with a DIY table cloth made from candy corn patterned wired ribbon and an orange handkerchief.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable little costumes and you can tell these tykes put a lot of effort into them! It's going to be hard to choose a winner:)
