Monday, September 7, 2015

We'll Leave the Lights On for Ya

I have begun to run my hybrid tape and round wire system for the lights. Only the porches lights are connected right now. When I stepped back to look at them it reminded me of the Motel 6 commercial and I decided to make a quick post.


  1. Looks cool. I am just getting up the nerve to work with lighting.

  2. It really looks beautiful when you see the lights on a miniature house. Very inviting =0)

  3. Copper tape and round wire in the same beautiful house? I'm impressed. I'm so bad at mini wiring that I've decided to stick to battery lights!

  4. Hello Jocelyn,
    I hope you realize just how freakishly real those pictures are! It looks like a real house! The lighting is great and accents your incredible workmanship on the house. I love it!
    Big hug,
