Saturday, September 19, 2015

From Suction Cup to Ceiling Light

I wanted to try to make customized ceiling lights for the bedroom. I bought the bare bulbs that come two in a pack from Hobby Lobby $3.99 and then I started looking for things that might work in the store. I found these suction cups in a pack of 24 and they come in various sizes for $3.99.
I removed the wire hook and used my mini drill to punch a hole in the top and removed the plug from the light and inserted the cord in through the hole. 
You could draw a design with sharpies to create the look of stain glass on the bare suction cup or cover with paper/fabric. I wanted to tie the light into the decor of the room and look more victorian. I was watching one of my favorite movies, "My Fair Lady" and the wonderful hats and flowers, so it may be a little over the top:) I used a circle template to create a cone big enough to match the diameter of the suction cup which is going to become the light's shade.

I covered the suction cup with scrap paper and paper flowers and glued on some trim/fringe. 

I covered the cord later to look more finished


  1. ooooh, what a fabulous idea! Methinks I will definitely have to "borrow" this ~ hope you don't mind!

  2. Beautiful! Great idea; thanks for sharing.

  3. So pretty! And lightweight enough that you don't need to worry about your wire breaking! Love love love!

  4. Hello Jocelyn,
    That is both clever and beautiful. Great work!
    Big hug,

  5. What a Great idea for making a light! It would do really well as a modern light without adding anything but the bulb!

  6. Quite lovely and what a splendid idea!
