Thursday, April 30, 2015

What's New Orleans Without A Brothel Girl

This is the fifth doll I own by this artist. I bought her in March but she just arrived today. I had no plans to buy another doll but when she reduced the price, I took it as a sign. I'd been admiring her for a while and she was made to be seated; she called out to me like the MARIE LAVEAU Voodoo Queen I'm not sure what her story is as of yet, but I could envision her hanging over the balcony calling out to pedestrians. The cook, maid and hat shop customer are all made by this artist.  I feel the New Orleans dollhouse has a unique spirit about it, the story constantly changes for me. I see it some days as a family home during the 19th century, other times as a historic home turned into a museum with tours given by the descendants of the original family and then as a brothel with girls hanging off the balcony or maybe she is modern and in costume to attract patrons to the museum. This was the story in my mind the day I bought her.


  1. Love the ornate beauty of this doll and her fashion. And the various poses are so realistic and tell a story in their own right, including the one of the young lad contemplating whether he should take Brothel Girl up on her offer:)

  2. Okay, I'm speechless and I LOVE IT! Can't wait to hear what her story is...will she remain a brothel Girl or will the young man present her with another option?
