Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Maytag Wringer Washer

This was my purchase this year for the Annual 40% off sale at HobbyBuilders, a Maytag Wringer Washer. The lid opens to reveal the agitator (I think thats what it's called) and the wheels roll. The wringer rotates and comes off. It comes with a an extra pair of wheels in the box. My great grandmother had one and I just thought it was so cute.

 I just liked the way the light fell in the unfinished dining room, so I added it to the post just because it seemed a little jealous:)


  1. Hello Jocelyn,
    Great purchase! It is a beautiful piece and works so well in that room. I just love your dining room.
    Big hug,

  2. That's a great choice for the coupon! :D I don't know if I would want to use one, but they look awesome.

  3. Hi Jocelyn, your washer looks fabulous! The hall area is lovely, as is the dining room!
    All the best

  4. what a wonderful way to start my day....looking at your house.....you just do such a beautiful job. thanks for sharing your pics

  5. Hi Jocelyn- love the washing machine! Your dining room has beautiful detail! really nice work! Barbara Ann

  6. Hi Jocelyn! I think that you made a great purchase with the wringer-washer! My mom had one too and so it evokes memories of way back when. :D
    Your dining room looks wonderful! Very elegant and yet very comfortable too. I may just have to pull up a chair and try it out....
    So What's for dinner? :D

