Sunday, October 12, 2014

Midtown Bungalow Dollhouse Techniques

What started off with me cleaning up my craft room for fall break, turned into working on my bungalow. Its modeled after homes I've seen in the historic district in the midtown area. I tried to go for a semi-craftsman/70's style, after I found the Hallmark ornaments I just knew I had to use them in this house.

I hated the dead space in the bathroom so I decided to just hid it.
I bought the bathroom as a set but I made the shower surrounding the tub and the back wall out of foam board, wood, vinyl tile sheets spray painted, chair molding and the bottom half of a porch rail painted silver, plastic packaging.

originally this was suppose to be a closet

I am not that crazy about the shower head 
The shower "knob" is a part of a snap and a brad

I covered the fire place with tile patterned scrapbook paper.

I covered the ceiling with molding I bought from I precut and stained before gluing to the ceiling with the house turned upside down.

 I used these wooden dollies on the kitchen ceiling.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I am really pleased with the way it turned out.

  2. Hello Jocelyn,
    All the pictures are great, but I LOVE your layout for the bathroom. Fantastic use of an awkward space. It looks perfect.
    Big hug,

    1. Thank you, I was proud of it as well. I realize that it actually makes it more space efficient and realistic

  3. I am such a fan. Great work...that shower unit is amazing!

    1. Thank U!!! I am pretty proud of the shower and how it turned out myself

  4. You are truly a miniaturist. Have you ever thought of joining a professional miniaturist's organization?

    1. I would like to but I have no idea where to start.

  5. How did you make the shower head?

  6. How did you make the shower head?

  7. Oh,my,Jocelyn,it's all so wonderful!I really love the shower stall,but the fireplace is special to me cuz I recently used the same scrapbook paper on a fireplace I am working on.I just saw yours today and mine is made different,but the coincidence is so fun!:)~Kat Burgess

  8. Love your work but you know what works great for a shower head is an ear bud with the wire cut off the ones that have tons of tiny holes so ucan hear its works gr8
