Monday, July 21, 2014

Making Cornbread

I bought this cute little set from CuteinMiniature on Esty. I asked about the set and if she was still making them. She told me she was making one within the week and notified me before listing it. She was really nice to reserve it for me. I love it and it reminds me of my grandmother' s kitchen. I love the in progress food preparations. I plan to create some sets for the townhouse with New Orleans inspired cuisine of my own. 


  1. Hello Jocelyn,
    I am glad the set was still available. It is terrific and adds to the realism of the room.
    Big hug,

  2. I hear cornbread mentioned often in American films but I've never seen it in the UK. I think we're missing out =0( I do like to see food prep boards but it always makes me hungry ha-ha

    1. If they sell corn meal in the UK you can make it yourself, its very easy. You can not buy it in the store here either, its a traditional bread made in the Southern United States.

  3. I like it Jocelyn, My grandmother was from Lake Pontchatrain and she taught me how to make cornbread, gumbo, dirty rice, po boys, grits..if I made it now I dont think Rich would eat it..I married a yankee..OH My..Im a belle and I didn't know it :)


    1. I know a lot of people who visit from the North and the first thing they want to do is try southern food. I guess I will try to make those dishes for this dollhouse, it's been hard finding them in miniature. I had no clue how to make cornbread in miniature.

  4. Hey Jocelyn! We make cornbread here in Canada too! My grandparents came up from Texas and Oklahoma on the Freedom Train in the late 1800's, and brought with them their cherished cornbread recipes which have stayed as part of our family tradition here in Canada. I make it myself for special occasions only because it tastes so good and is too easy to completely devour! :))
    Having said that, your little cornbread preparations look Absolutely Perfect in their presentation, and Perfect for this cook in her southern kitchen!


    1. Wow that is so cool! I love family traditions and history. That's why I am building this dollhouse after discovering my family is from Louisiana, it makes it more exciting.

  5. What is it you can't buy? Aren't you in the US? By the way I really like the set!

    1. Corn bread off the shelf in the grocery store and yes. Pepper lives in the UK and has never seen it there.

    2. Yes, I know Pepper..Hi Pepper! But I was wondering why you weren't able to get cornbread at the store. I am from the North but live in the South and I have found cornbread in both places.

    3. I have never seen it in the store before but I guess its good to know its there. I just don't know of anyone buying it, its always made from scratch or box mix.

  6. Wow, what an honor! Thank you, Jocelyn, for not only your kind words but also for featuring my work in your lovely dollhouse! I've really enjoyed my visit and must say you are truly talented. I look forward to visiting again soon!

  7. Thank you and thank you for your artistry as well. You had no idea how excited I was to have it and I knew it would be a perfect fit for the southern feel I was going for.
