Monday, April 28, 2014

Mini Rugs Made From Computer Printer Fabric and Trim

this is the rug printed on the computer fabric paper
transfer paper
I wanted some rugs in my townhouse but I could't find the right color, style and size. I started to look at the commercial rugs carefully and decided I can do this myself and get what I want (besides I don't sew). I remembered that I made a rug for the bakery and I decided to try again for the townhouse with the left over computer fabric paper. I found images of rugs online, pinned the larger file size in Pinterest and imported it into Pixelmator and played with the adjust and noise filters. I changed the size and did a proof on regular paper first and then printed it on the computer fabric sheet. I only had three sheets left and I went to Michaels and bought the wrong thing, transfer paper. After reading the package I see how it could work even better because you use your own fabric and heat transfer to either light or dark fabric. I plan to test it later on an old T-shirt.

I embellished the rug with small trim I bought on sale at Hobby Lobby by Paper Studio in the scrapbook section and glued it around the edges of the rug.


  1. Hello Jocelyn,
    That is fantastic. the trimmed carpets are so realistic and the colors look so bright and vibrant.
    Well done.
    Big hug,

  2. Great job, I thought about using transfer paper for curtains or rugs. I'll wait to see how your experiment turns out :)


  3. I have some of this transfer fabric I will have to try this for a rug I need soon. Thanks!! it's sooo nice and the colors crisp looking what is Pixelmator ??

    1. It is an image editing app for the mac. You can use any software that lets you edit pictures. I think the image quality came from the large files that were reduce that I got from the internet and the printer.
