Sunday, September 1, 2013

"Real" Work on the Creole Townhouse Facade Begins

I made a few small structural changes and added a few new parts. I asked a friend of my husband's, who is a master carpenter, to help me cut the MDF because my "mini wood shop" was not setup at the time. I had some design issues that I think I have worked out now, thanks to the hat shop dollhouse and I have overcome most of my fear of the power tools my husband bought me last year, so I think am "clear for take off".

I started by gluing all the walls (1st/2nd and basement) together to create one unit as a front opening wall. I glued the balcony floors and the ground level sidewalk base to this combined unit while it was flat.

I then cut porch posts to size and adjusted them along the balcony with the plastic railings. I bought some jewelry filigree and wrought iron look basket hangers to use on the posts over the balcony. I bought pairs of large louvered shatters to add to the doors. I am thinking about adding a second set to extend the shutters to the floor. I am going to set the balcony railings inside "upside down" handrails to give them more stability, but I didn't have enough on hand so this will have to wait until my order arrives. I am going to paint everything a flat black to create a unified wrought iron look.

I'm considering using tall windows on the back wall of the townhouse. My husband says the house needs some added dimension because it looks too boxy compared to the other houses I have built. I'm thinking of using windows from a conservatory kit I have to the back wall of the house to make it look less like a typical front opening dollhouse. If I do, then I am also going to cut an opening in the lower right basement room to provide a view to a small courtyard for the rear of the dollhouse that I will be adding later. So this is the facade minus the fourth floor with its dormer windows and roof. I am not feeling well, so I promised my husband I would rest and a make an appointment this week and GET OFF THE COMPUTER! (him yelling, lol)


  1. The townhouse looks so pretty Jocelyn! I never would have thought of making the facade first. I am learning girl. :-D

  2. Oh, wow, Jocelyn - even unfinished, it looks just like real buildings in New Orleans! This is going to be such a beautiful house.

  3. Hi Jocelyn! I like this town house a Lot! I want to add that your solution for the securing of the wrought iron railing is a stroke of GENIUS! It is a definite keeper idea!
    I am sorry that you are feeling under the weather, Jocelyn. Better keep your promise to your hubby and really rest! Time can get away with you so easily when you have to do just One More Thing!


  4. The townhouse looks afbuolus. I really like the facade.
    Bye, Fbay

  5. Me encanta como va el trabajo es una maravilla cuando este terminada sera impresionante.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Very fine progress! I love the ornaments and fences.

  7. Hi Jocelyn! It has been a long time since I visited your blog, I am sorry. This town house is a beauty, it looks fantastic. Thank you for sharing how you made these great changes on the front gable.
    Take good care for your health, it is very important to take your rest.....I surely know ;)!
    Hugs, Ilona

  8. Es una fachada preciosa. Me gusta mucho.

  9. What a lovely house. It looks good even when it is unfinished =) Hannah

  10. Hi Jocelyn,
    Im a bit late posting but I wanted to say that I love how this house is turning out, please take care of yourself.


  11. Hi Jocelyn,
    I am fairly new to your blog, but I'm enjoying the work you do. You have such wonderful ideas. And your Creole Townhouse is coming along beautifully, such inspiration.


  12. Omg I love this my heart is screaming
