Friday, December 21, 2012

Making Custom Beds from Scratch for the Imagination Dollhouse

I am making the Imagination Dollhouse sold at Home Depot in seven days, decorating inside and outside plus some furniture for a Christmas gift. My mom is making the bed linens of course and I designed and built the beds. The theme came from wooden appliqués from Michaels and Hobby Lobby. So additional pictures will be posted later, so not to give too much away. I also used square wooden dowels, I left them off the supply list picture. I painted the beds with acrylic craft paints. By the  way, I am getting a craft room makeover for Christmas, so I am working in a temporary location.


  1. Hello jocelyn,
    Terrific job! They are so beautiful and so well done. You really are an extremely talented artist.
    Big hug,

  2. The two beds in the first picture are original.
    Bye Faby

  3. Yes, the other pictures are of how I made them.

  4. Hello Jocelyn, Just want to say that I think your whimsical beds are very creative and charming. The princess bed reminds me of something from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. What a great imagination you have!


  5. Thanks, my cousin wanted princess on the outside of the dollhouse and I thought it would be cute to do a room with the same theme. When she got the dollhouse it was the first room see noticed.

  6. Nice they are going on my to do list

  7. Those are extremely creative!
    Good job.

  8. Hi,these are wonderful,what brand are the spinddles please?

    1. They are porch posts, Woodies and staircase parts from Hobby Lobby

    2. Thank you for your very prompt reply! Best, Athina

  9. Completely new to all of this....what is the tool you've used to cut and trim all of the wood pieces?

    Your work is beautiful! :)

    1. Thank you. I used the little saw with the red handle in the picture. It is sold by X-acto knife it comes as a set.

  10. Hi,

    This is very you remember the sizes of woodsies and where did you buy those? I am planning to make one for my daughter and this one I liked it very much. Appreciate your help in providing more details.


  11. The beds are adorable! I'm looking for ideas of my own. I see your supply list picture but a better description of the item and where you located them would be really helpful. It is rather difficult to read the descriptions on the packaging etc.

  12. Amei seu trabalho. Parabéns. Estou encantada. Estou tentando modificar uma casa de boneca mais ainda estou no meio do caminho. E quando vejo trabalhos lindos como o seu fico encantada e me da ânimo pra continuar trabalhando na casa de bonecas.
