Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Favorite Tool: Oscillating Multifunction Power Tool

Many of the actual buildings have rough brick sides and finished fronts. My original idea was to enclose the building with a 4th wall and use magnets like those used in the Mountfield Dollhouse to hold it in place.  But I did not realize that the first floor had an over hang that prevented the wall from being flush with the building until after it was glued in place. My dad came over and I told him that I could not use the 4th brick wall because I needed to shave off the over hang on the first floor. He told me that he owned a tool that could do the job, the Oscillating Multifunction Power Tool from Harbor Freight. It costs $21 online, I bought mine in the store for $29. I used the plunger to cut it off and it worked; so happy. This is only my second power tool besides my Dremel, I see more power tools in the future.


  1. I have one of those, I got it at Menards for 24.00 dollars and it has all the tools. I also got a dremel tool but I haven't used it yet. I'll probably use it soon on my boat project.

    Marisa :)

  2. It sounds like you got a better deal than I did. I have only used my dremel to sand and drill holes so far. I am new to power tools but just to cut those pieces off was worth it. What is a good starter set of power tools and equipment to have? I want to be able to build my dollhouses entirely by myself.
