Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lights On at the Bakery/Coffee Shop!!!

I am so proud of myself right now! I still need to adjust my spotlights on the menu and finish the new wall. I have never done anything electrical before in my life and my dad did the all lighting for the Mountfield Dollhouse. He explained to me in detail what to do and showed me how to solder. Then encouraged me like he has done all of my life that I could do it and like I have done all of my life- I believed him because my dad said I could do it. Love you Dad!


  1. Wow the lights look fantastic. Wonderful job :)
    Hugs Maria

  2. it looks just ike a real remodeling the ones you see on TV. it's wonderful!

    Marisa :)

  3. Thank you both. It was starting to feel like a real life remodel at one point:)
