Thursday, July 5, 2012

Coffee Bar Interior Sneak Peek

I am still working on a couple of things and some things have changed but for the most part this is the layout. I am waiting on a package to arrive this month with some accessories until then it remains in progress. My goal is to finish the majority of this project before August. I have lights but I am not sure if they will be installed before August. The floor is removable, so when ready I can install the ceiling lights for the bakery downstairs.
the cash register is holding up the shelf right now :)

still working on the chairs and table cloths, floor not vanished
STILL have not decided on a finish for the bar and side tables


  1. Wow!! The progress looks fabulous!
    Bye Faby

  2. it looks like it's coming along nicely :)


  3. It looks fantastic. I love the stools at the bar.
    Hugs Maria
