Monday, April 23, 2012

Easy Diamond Pattern Leaded Glass Windows Using Wireform

I started to clean out my storage bin and came across this and decided to share.
You can cut this with scissors but wear gloves because the edges are sharp and protective eyewear.
You can glue these in place or cut slightly oversized and
bend metal edges to hold in place by pushing against the frame.

WireForm comes in silver, black and cooper.

I liked the cooper. I hope it will age with a patina.


  1. Where would you buy this "wireform"..hobby store, online or???
    thanks in advance,
    LouAnne in No.CA

    1. I bought this from either Hobby Lobby or Michaels Craft Stores. It would be in the section with plaster/clay things used for modeling, sculpture and casting, etc. I have also seen it in art supply stores in the same sections.
