Monday, March 12, 2012

Scratch Built Dollhouse Bar Counter and Cabinet

Yesterday, I decided to start on building the bar area for the second floor.  I could not find what I wanted already built, but I had an idea in mind. I was going for an old antique look to match the two bar stools that had once been in my old dollhouse. I have never made any furniture from scratch before, so I let the pieces of wood and a cardboard box guide me. I started with basswood project pieces, two different types of mirrors, and some trim. I looked at some pictures online and I began....

Started with the two pieces that would be the back of the cabinet


adding the sides to the bottom


Mirror option#1
Mirror option#2

Cutting the counter sides

framing the sides out for a base

Base sides glued together
counter top glued to the base upside down

mirrors and some trim not in permanently until after I  do the finish


  1. this is just great, Jocelyn! Can't believe you have NOT done this before- looking great! Barbara Ann

  2. Thank you Barbara Ann, I have assembled a lot of real life furniture and I just relied on those experiences of how things are put togther.
