Saturday, January 21, 2012

Interior paneling made from place mats

I have been trying to figure out how to recreated the paneling from the interior of the church. I went to Michaels to get some stencil adhesive to do the brick work around the foundation, when I came across these place mats. It occurred to me that they looked similar to the photo minus the string. My idea was to leave the place mat intact and glue it to the walls and cut the string away. I placed the mat up against the wall and traced the outline of the windows so I would not put glue in that area. I measured and cut the mat strategically on the wall and let the excess mat hang over to side for weight to help the glue set.  I began to apply the mats like wallpaper making sure that the seam would be in a good place to be covered by trim later. I was careful not to get any glue on the string and turned the mats to the side with the single string showing in case I had difficulty cutting them off. I pulled too hard and some of the loose wood panels came off but I will reattach them with glue.


  1. When I first saw you were going to use the mats I thought it wouldn't work out but then, as it emerged I found it was PERFECT! You got that look down! And I've never seen anyone do anything quite like it before. I am glad I am following your blog as this church is terrifically intriguing. I've always wanted to do a church and I very much enjoying following along with you and yours.

  2. Thanks, at a certain point I wondered about it too. But I figured I had gone too far to turn back.
