Sunday, June 19, 2011

I have been busy!

I have been very busy working on the house. I was trying to meet the deadline for the "May The Best House Win Contest" but too many events personal and professional happen in May that prevented me from finishing the house in time. So I did not post as I went along but I did take pictures. We are planning a dollhouse warming and want to invite everyone over to see the house and the gardens (which have changed) in real life. It will be at the end of the month (hopefully), I will let you know the details. I have started working on ideas for a bakery cafe from the Brimble's Mercantile General Store kit. I want it to be an urban makeover like the storefronts downtown. Yesterday, my husband and I took pictures downtown for some ideas. I plan to name it the "The 4 Way Bakery and Cafe" to honor his grandparent's store.
P.S. Happy Father's Day Daddy and all the other father's I know and love.

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