Friday, June 24, 2011

Early Pictures of the Exterior

I realized today that there is only one picture of the outside of the house on my blog. In the beginning I was not taking pictures until I started doing the roof, when my husband suggested that I document all the work I was putting into the dollhouse. I really hate now that I did not take pictures earlier in the build.
I wanted to do the outside in brick. I thought it would be unusual because you do not see many dollhouses in brick; I know is a lot of WORK. I came across this website and they made these brick stencils to use on the exterior of the dollhouse. I used four stencils for the bricks: tudor brick, herringbone brick, rough stone and slate roof, plus the realistic brick powder you mix with water. You paint the house the mortar color and apply the brick stencil when dry. I did get tired towards the end and I used spray paint on the rough stone finish.  It took me three weeks to finish stenciling the outside, including the half-timbering (wood strips).
This is the roof stencil

This is the rough stone

I masked off the area not to be stenciled

Spreading the brick powder mixture over the stencil

This is a finished side of the roof

Close up of the window

The rear with DHE seal

The back door on the left side

Bay window

Early view with yards

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! I'm now really tempted to try a more modern house one day, it's fantastic - incredibly real and beautiful. Will be coming back to this post on brick work, it's one of the next stages for my property.
